Banner site locations

The table below explains which pages are assigned to each site location.

Site locations Page title/description
Admin Menu Admin home
Admin Pages Any admin focussed system pages except the admin home page. Admin pages are any pages which have a URL that begin… or
Candidates Any candidate focussed system pages except the job results and job view pages. Candidate pages are any pages which have a URL that begin…
Client Pages Any client focussed system pages except the CV search results and candidate profile/CV view pages. Client pages are any pages which have a URL that begin…
ClientAZ Recruiter A-Z
ClientCMS For Recruiters
CV Results CV Results (accessed by running a jobseeker search)
CV View Jobseeker CV (accessed by viewing a candidate in a jobseeker search)
Fullwidth Banner site locations
Homepage Home
Job Results Job results
Job View Job details (accessed by viewing a job in full)
Payment Not applicable as this site does not use online payments
Subpages About Us
Career Advice
Careers in Pensions for Students and Graduates
CV Tips
Handing in your Notice
Interview Techniques
Pensions Qualifications
Pensions Salaries
Privacy Policy
Psychometric Testing
Terms and conditions
Contact us

Note: the table above is static - if an admin user has reassigned a page to a new site location or added/deleted a page then the change(s) won't automatically show up here. Please use the CMS Page Manager functionality to check which site location (page group) a specific page is assigned to.

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